Saturday, May 15, 2010

Should homeowners pay a little more tax so single moms on welfare can buy a car and pay for college ?

A single Chinese mom who moved to the USA after marrying an American man. After about 2 years and getting her green card she and her teenage son left the man. She receives a free Apt., utilities, food, medical, dental etc. from welfare but needs a car and insurance and college education for her son. Also cell phone and cable TV are needed. Do you think taxes should be raised on homeowners so this mom can receive what she needs? She wants to stay in the USA and become a citizen.

Should homeowners pay a little more tax so single moms on welfare can buy a car and pay for college ?
If so Geo. Bush will do so.
Reply:No, single welfare Mom's have many resources. They get free child care and most get free education if they want to take it. As a homeowner, I'm not willing to pay extra to women who have made bad decisions for their lives....and will continue to do so.
Reply:Hell no....screw you for suggesting it.
Reply:She and her teenaged son need to get jobs, not expect to be supported completely by others. They're already getting quite enough largesse from the government. Undeserved largesse, I might add.

Frankly, with her parasitical attitude, I hope she does not become a citizen. I hope she moves back to China.
Reply:Ummmm. NO!!!!!
Reply:I'm a single Mom and when I first left my ex, I had to get welfare and all I got was medical and food stamps they never paid for any of that other stuff. I was so glad to get off welfare, was only on it about 6 months till I got a job. Never have had to get it again. No I don't think taxes should be raised to cover a woman like that and I don't think if your not a US citizen that you should be able to get welfare. Maybe you should tell her to go back to the country she came from and mooch off of them.
Reply:No, I work and pay my taxes and don't have all those things.......because I can't afford them. It amazes me with what is going on.....I go to the local mall, and I see the girls whip out their welfare I.D. to rent a stroller, and they're driving a Lexus, wearing a ton of gold, and pull out a wad of cash to pay for the stroller, you should see the sculptered fingernails they're wearing as well..........this is really messed up.
Reply:She needs to get off her butt and work full time and maybe 2 jobs. That is what I do so I can afford to have the things in life that I want. Nobody is talking about helping me so I don't have to work so darn much.
Reply:no I don;t
Reply:No she should get a f-cking job and support her damn self. Her son needs to get a job and pay for his own college if she can't afford it. Like the rest of the tax paying citizens do.
Reply:NOPE ! We Americans that live here don't get treated as good .Unfair practice to USA citizens.I had 4 kids %26amp; got $75.00 a week support from their father %26amp; I struggled all my life to raise them on what little I had %26amp; never went to welfare for help !
Reply:there is no way any tax bill would be phrased or intended for the scenario you have described, so NO.

Americans provide the highest amount of charity in the WORLD; there are tons of social organizations (OPRAH included) that are available to help people in this type of situation,

Where do I get in line for all of THAT???!!
Reply:there is a big difference between having ones needs met and having ones wants met

cell phone and cable tv aren't needs - hate to say it, but strictly speaking neither is college

I'm a homeowner and think the government uses it's power to take money through taxes and redistribute it in all kinds of ways that I don't personally agree with - all I can do is exercise my right to be an informed voter

kudos to any immigrant willing to work and become a citizen....but I don't personally believe that the government should take money from taxes to pay for anyone to buy a car or go to college - whether they are citizens or not

My husband and I work hard. We pay our own utilities, food, medical and dental on our own and the government has just told us we make too much to get assistance for our children to go to college. We do not live extravagantly at all - I grow our veggies and clip coupons, and we live in a modest house.

No, again, and now my blood is boiling.
Reply:no. I think she needs to get a job. I WORK HARD for my house %26amp; car. Why should she get it for free? What is she going to do FOR ME?
Reply:Hmm, why am I getting the feeling this is more about immigration than actually supporting single moms?

Why should homeowners pay more taxes and not the entire population? Besides that, cell phone and cable TV is NOT necessary, neither is a college fund since there are many opportunities for the son (or anyone) to finance his own tuition and associated cost [I am an immigrant myself and I have found a way to finance college classes w/o the help of taxpayers]. If everything fails he can join the military, get an education, health insurance, and dental for "free" (he'll have to fulfill his service obligation to the U.S., but it is a give and take). A car is also not necessary, there is public transportation and if that fails single moms are born with a set of feet such like any other person.

I am in favor of helping people who are without a job and temporarily (that's the key word) depend on welfare. If that means taxes have to be raised so be it. I'd like to know that should I lose my job there is a safety net that will help me back on my feet.
Reply:Hell no them damn welfare mommas need to get off their lazy a**es and get a damn job..... I swear there should be limitations for welfare and u should only be able to get it for a period of 6 months...Hate when pathetic people live off that sh*t! The f*cked up thing is half these welfare people have a nicer car than mine!!
Reply:This can't be a serious question. Of course she should get any extra money. I pay enough in taxes already - I don't need to pay for someone's car. She should get a job.
Reply:This country pays way to much. Get a ****** job and support yourselves. I believe that welfare food stamps and all the free stuff should be cut off. Look at what this country would save alone. There are all kinds of jobs but that job sucks and I don't want to do it. suck it its work and it pays the bills.
Reply:Boy I gotta say this question pisses me off!

She's already getting all this free stuff?! WTF!

BTW...cell phones and cable are luxuries...not necessities.

And guess parents couldn't afford to send me to college and I was born answer to your question would be...ummm...NO!
Reply:sooo, let me see if i have this right: all i have to do have a bastard child and i get a free ride? OMG, i'm soooo in--where do i sign up? do you think my chances of getting major money go down if i drive an escalade?

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