Saturday, May 15, 2010

Is it true that lesbians hate straight men?

I worked in a dental office as dental assistant before I entered Dental school. I had few accidents with women who were lesbians. First time one of my patients(Caucasian) told my doctor that she doesn't feel comfortable with male assistant and she didn't want me to stay next to her, Second time one of our patients(African-American) told me that she doesn't like men and doesn't understand them because they are crazy..I asked her, why did she think that way. She answered me that I am weird beacuse I asked her that question.

The dentist who I worked with is gay, too. He was surprised about these women.

Both of these women are lesbians. They told my co-worker who is woman.

Afterwards, I changed my opinion about gay people( to not posistive). I started to think that maybe the problem is not onlly with straight people, but gays too. Isn't that hate and discrimination?

Try to prove that i am wrong or agree with me.

Thank you.

Is it true that lesbians hate straight men?
No, its not true. I have a gay sister and she just loves my hubby.....and shes as gay as they come, lol, but she really gets along with my man. Their personalities just click I guess. They both love cars, and have alot of things in common. Plus her best friend is a man.*
Reply:then why did I get lesbians. lesbians are my heart, but the gay are in the way. I love lesbians all the more than gay. They will hate you especially. no one in lesbian activity has any popular to men like you. the only way you can do is to rape them. the only way they'll die is to kill me. and the only possible way for them to have sex is for me. I have a lesbian mind, but you err cause lesbians are the only way of me to have sex. but you can't all cause of your problem in your mind that you're afraid to consider these women. You're afraid that you are able to give your work money easily to others than to spend it for yourself. Money is not just to give people money all the more, it is your work that you must spend it on you, that way you won't be complaining that you have no money at all. Lesbians in a same way, you are afraid of the lesbian activity, you have no common compliance with the women, and all to say that you have in afraid in your mind that you're afraid, of stopping sin in all the living. yea, the men out there are crazy, they try all the more to have sex, trying all the sickmore to turn women on. but none in all that matter has a penis like mine and does not smell like mine. So if any of the lesbians come nearer, they'll get turned on all the more and hoping to have sexual intercourse. But, you, otherwise, should are able to see the real side of you, and you're afraid to comfort the women. if you know how to comfort women, they'll come to you, but if you don't know how, they'll get depressed and die. I mean this is one of the reason that die people are in death of coffin. you does not know how to live a lesbian life.
Reply:You have cited two examples. That's really not all that many. I'm sure in any large group, you can find two people who both don't like the same thing, but that doesn't mean everyone in that group feels like they do.

One of my co-workers, a straight man, has three lesbian friends. He doesn't like gays, but thinks the world of his lesbian friends, who sometimes help him out when he has heavy work to get done.

Several people I know are lesbian, and I've never seen them treat straight males differently than anyone else-and we're talking about a half dozen more ladies. In fact, I didn't even know a couple of them were lesbians until they "came out" as a couple.

There. That's 9 folks who get along fine with straight men. Not a large sample, but larger than yours.
Reply:I'm not going to try to prove or disprove anything. I know several gay women, and not one of them would ever act like that. Further, they tell me that they don't hate straight men. They just don't see us as potential sex partners. In fact, the three gay women I just showed your question to find it so odd that a lesbian would behave that way that they suspect you made the whole thing up. Did you?
Reply:There is not one person on earth who DOESN'T have a trace of racism in them. Racism or Sexism do not necessarily make a person bad, how they disclose that to others is what makes them appear bad or ignorant. Gay people, both men and women, like to make others AWARE of who they are and what they are. When was the last time you saw a straight man or woman go around bragging that they are Straight? People are people, who cares whether you are a gay man, lesbian, straight man, transexual, etc. etc. We are all one people but unfortunately behave differently to those whom we feel uncomfortable or threatened by. Here's something that's gonna surprise you:

I know of a couple: the woman is lesbian (the male equivalent) and the partner is a man (a post-operation transexual) and they are a happy couple. A complete reversal of sexual roles. They look so odd together, but they sure as hell are very happy with each other. I never asked them, but how do they have intercourse?
Reply:You can't judge people based on race, religion or sexual orientation. They should be judged on an individual basis,

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