Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why doesn't England have dentists?

As an icon of American business, I feel I must ask this.

Recently, our business development division presented a briefing about future opportunities. Among them were the possibility of establishing a dentristry division, with offices in the UK, linked to their government socialist medicine ministries.

At first, this seemed like a great opportunity, since most Brits have awful dental hygiene.

However, the focus group nixed the project, reporting the results of a series of surveys that give unrefutable evidence that Brits simply don't want dentists, and are quite happy with the average appearance of their mouths, which most of the rest of the world finds repugnant. Brits call it "comely" and think it attractive.

A pity...there could have been good money there.

Why doesn't England have dentists?
Reply:All their money is being wasted on socializing the country and making it into another France. England and France are great examples as to why health care and medicine should not become universal.
Reply:Ask Sydney Vicious.
Reply:I don't know what their deal is, the Brits I've known have all had breath that could knock a buzzard off a sh^it wagon.
Reply:Personal hygeine is not one of their proiorities.
Reply:LMAO!!! they do have dentist. They just aren't that good.

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