Saturday, November 14, 2009

THE BRITS SEND IN THEIR WEAKEST TROLL: Why does "sidney vicious" have a vendetta against America?;_ylt...

Why are Americans so serious?

Why do Americans spell words incorrectly?

Why do Americans have such poor dental hygiene?

Why do Americans struggle to speak English?

Why do American people still burn the USA flag?

Why are Americans programmed like robots?

Are Americans allowed to laugh?

Why is the USA still classed as a third world country?

Why are Americans respected around the world?

Do they have Coka Cola in the USA?

Why did America win WW2?

Are Americans the best shooters?

Do they have pies in America?

Why dont Americans eat cheese?

Do they have skools in the USA?

Do they have salad/vegetables in the USA?

Why do Americans have such a great sense of humour?

Can any Americans help me?

Why is the USA army the best in the world?

And so on....

THE BRITS SEND IN THEIR WEAKEST TROLL: Why does "sidney vicious" have a vendetta against America?
Oh well. For some people here I think ANSWERS is a solid release that keeps them off the streets and from being arrested; so it's not such a bad thing I guess
Reply:he is just having fun.
Reply:Bloody Oh!
Reply:Sid Vicious is a idiot not all of us Brit,s are like him..
Reply:Make him join the Army then one of your guys can shoot him.
Reply:Why are you feeding a troll?

That's what they are looking for:feedback

Just don't answer them.

Reply:Well, he seems to have a love/hate relationship with America. I DO believe they eat cheese, though.
Reply:Oy! We didn't send him in, he went in of his own accord. I actually like you people......most of the time.
Reply:well their are a lot of American hating Australians a few that I've encountered actually believe that the u.s. is the reason for all crime in the world .

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