Monday, November 16, 2009

Why are Europeans so quick to point out the faults in Americans?

OK, so the George W. Bush experiment isn't working out so well for us. We will just be feeding him bananas until the end of his term and then we will elect someone to fix his mishaps. And we get that there are some uneducated dummies traveling to Europe to show y'all how smart we really are. But are we really that bad? Tell me that the dialect of the Irish is so much better than that of the Americans. And tell me that the quality of driving, crime rate, dental hygiene and cost of living are so much better in England than here in America. We all have our faults, but you don't see Americans on this forum firing at Europe everyday unless fired upon first. Help me understand.

Why are Europeans so quick to point out the faults in Americans?
Well Europeans are generally more internationally focused than Americans, that you cannot deny. Hence we start discussions on America here. But it is not limited to that. You have to remember that you see the English speaking peoples of Europe on here, i.e. the Irish and English. So this America bashing is coming from two of your closest allies in Europe.

But we do point out our own faults to each other. You just dont see it. The English on this site for instance are very anti-EU. Unfortunately, since most of the other EU nations speak different languages they are going to get a very one sided argument.
Reply:Because they can see them more clearly than we can.
Reply:They're ticked off because they surrendered their sovereignty and France and Germany are nothing more than states of the European country.
Reply:what else do they have to do??? obviously we fascinate them.
Reply:it is all in the history books guys. The Americans have done and are doing some bad things out there.

EU didnt want to go to war now but the US didnt listen and did it anyway. Do you know there is an INTERNATIONAL agreement saying that if EU or the US dont agree on some actions nobody should do it ?

The US act as if they are the owners of the world pretending to go out to bring peace to places that dont want it and most of the times because of the personal gain .Wars in Vietnam and Iraq shouldnt have ever happened. I must say though, that most of those things are not the Americans decision but the governement so even if some Americans dont agree on some actions the world judges them on what their government does and that is not fair. I have lived in the US for 4 years and i met wonderful people.I think the Americans in general are very friendly and caring but they need to get more information besides Fox news or WGN so that they would have an idea of whats out there besides what their Government tells them.

So the bottom line is I like the Americans but unfortuntately because of their govenrment actions they get the bad fame too.Italy too for example it is known for mafia and spaghetti and stuff but it is much different.

It is the people who dont try to know Americans better that are at fault if they judge them by the government actions. There are very good hearted people in that Country and i think that if somebody took the time to get to know them better, they would realize it too.The US citizens should be less isolated and try to listen to more international tv station or read international news papers ,travel internationally more, try to undestand somebody else point of view too before taking a side.

Same things for every Coutry though. It is never good to listen to just one side.
Reply:Isn't it because of your invasion to Irak that the rest of the world has to pay the price for higher gasoline! And how about the Kyoto agreement you never signed! And then you think you are the ruler of this planet and all the other people are treated like trash! That's why!
Reply:The Europeans are so quick to point out the faults in Americans because it provides them with an excuse to ignore their own. They were responsible for the Holocaust and **** like that. That alone outweighs any faults they could find with us.
Reply:ok im british and from what im reading here americans appear 2 b very big headed dont ya think, u rekon u got it all.

dental hygiene is fine so shove that theory up ur as$, most people have straight teeth except prince charles, your crime rates higher cuz u got more ghettos, driving here is wiked we get to drive on the left, and you fat- as$ed americans are ripping us off so we have 2 pay more for (petrol)gas, cuz u use up the worlds resources, oh and u cant tell the differnece between an ape and a person.

sorry the stuff i said is really mean, i dont mean it 2 all americans but i do mean it 2 u
Reply:Dental hygiene is SOOO much better in the US than in england or any other country for that matter. Europeans are kinda snotty. But dont worry they all still smoke so they will die off soon.

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