Saturday, November 14, 2009

Finding info?

Hey, I'm from a different country, and I'm doing an assignment about Singapore. Do you know what good sites I could go on to find info about the drug problem (stats, different laws, strategies)?

Example: A good site to find info about teeth is the (ADA-American Dental Association).

Do you know any legitimate sites like that? I'm using a search engine and I can't find anything about a different country other than my own.

Finding info?
Yes, use the search engine and this is the link I found for you there. I usually find anything I want there and it's factual along with an encyclopaedia.;l=dis%26amp;q=Singap...
Reply:I know you said you have used the search engines for searching, but I just used Google and found this site:

I did a search for "drug statistics in Singapore" might just try different variations on the search criteria...Good Luck!

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