Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why do people think, that someone else gives you your right.?

I disagree with some peoples discription of rights. It is my right as a free democractic American to choose my right, exercise my right as to WHERE my tax dollars go. This country collects taxes to run our government and the excess of money should be determined by the PEOPLE, sorry but I think that is my right, nor am I asking anyone to give it to me I have EARNED it, by being a tax paying American. I believe that money collected by our government should be put in a trust and used for American health and dental care. If someone feels that is taking someone else money, or forcing my will onto someone else...well get used to it, we have been treated like that for way too long...leftist sounding or not. IF I pay.....I should have a RIGHT to have a say in where the money goes, or where it doesn't go. I again say, Americans first we are the only civilized country that does not provide its people with healthcare, and we are the only civilized country that does not regulate the cost of RX's.

Why do people think, that someone else gives you your right.?
You have many RIGHTS. Of which the right to tell the Government how to spend it's money is done through a process called an election. You have to ELECT people that are like minded who will spend your money accordingly.

You have an OBLIGATION to pay your taxes. You voted for someone to spend it for you.

Thank is how the American System WORKS!
Reply:Yeah what you said...

God bless %26amp; Hugs from Texas. {:-)

Reply:drug companies and oil companies are out of control
Reply:I agree with you. Think what 3 billion dollars a month could do for our health care system.
Reply:amen, and what about medicaid and medicare?

what is going to happen to our elderly?
Reply:We just need to tax the living hell out of RX exports. Problem Solved
Reply:Small challenge with your question.

Although I firmly believe that you ahve the right to feel the way you do, and although I do not disagree with what you are saying...

America is not a Democracy. We are a Republic. The United States government, as set up by the founding fathers, is designed to mwhere we do NOT vote on the laws, we vote on who we want to be the ones to vote on the laws.

In a democracy, EVERY citizen has a say in the laws of the land, and exactly what they will be. In a Republic, Every citizen still has the right to their opinion on the laws; however, they, instead, elect people to go to the government and vote for them. The way they influence the laws is not by direct voting, but rather by letting the person the elected know what they want his/her vote to be.
Reply:First off let me say that I completely agree with you on the state of our country's health care system. That being said, you do have a say now. Vote, write to your congressman or president. Do something. It may not be the same as it going precisely where you want it to go, but you do have power.
Reply:But lets just say that you do have rights like this under democracy, (which I do not believe). Your right to choose were your tax goes is in your vote and in the politician who specks to Parliament for you. This is the downfall of democracy because really you don't have much say at all it really comes down to a utilitarian vote of who gets into power and then them doing what they like to represent you. I think that you need to write a letter to your local politician or what ever you have in America and tell them what you want the excess tax to go to. If nothing happens then democray doesn't work and your right is only there to make people belive that they have all these freedoms and rights.
Reply:it would just be inefficient to have that, though it would be nice. time=money and it would just take to much time for everyone to look at the issues and determine where their money goes. Healthcare is a hard issue. America is also the big country with bad health habbits that leach off the HC system.

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